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Saturday 31 December 2011

Myanmar trip review

Another late review of my recent trip ><
Myanmar trip date: 14/11/2011 - 22/11/2011

Well where to start. I just summarise all of what happen in Myanmar.

First, reached yangon settle down and went to eat dinner (Huge portion of pork as well >:D) and walk around Inya lake (which is nearby). After that, bought bus tickets for the trip to Bagan. Went to a friend house to try out the Burmish style food. It was really good :D

Next is Bagan trip,

November 16, 2011. Left Yangon with my guide, adi to Bagan. Along the bus trip, had a few stop and get to experience some Myanmar food. The bus ride was around 9 – 10 hours and was quite compact but at least I’ve got to see some of the scenery that Myanmar’s got to offer. In addition, I saw my first shooting star (woots!). Soon after we reach, we took a ride to our hotel (kyaw hotel). At 7am in the morning it was adventure time! (Not enough of sleep though). We rented bicycles and ate breakfast at some nearby coffee shop (Can’t remember the name). After breakfast, off we cycle off to old bagan from the hotel! Visited many pagodas (too many to count already) but there more significant ones that we went were: Ananda Phaya. A lot of the pagoda names are forgotten by me as I was just simply am amazed by the views, the scenery and the wonders of the nature of the pagoda. Some pagodas are climbable while some aren’t. After the 1st part of the trip, we went to find some lunch at another coffee shop (Can’t remember the name again). Had a great meal there and the portion is quite generous. After lunch, we continued the journey to see other pagodas again. Along the way, I was lucky enough to have a glimpse of asia. After a few more pagodas, we went to find a particular pagoda that’s able to climb till the top. All that just so we can look at some amazing sunset. We went back to the hotel and even cycled in the dark. After we got back, we settled down and then off for dinner. The whole day was just about adventures and breathes taking scenes from the pagoda and the sunset. There are just no proper explanation to described the scenes that I was able to witness and even the sunset just took my breath away as seeing how the colours of the blue sky turning into orange and red. How the clouds were in harmony with the colour change and how the lights hits the pagoda just amazed me. It’s a must see if you up for adventure. Also, be prepared to cycle for 70km (seriously no joke about this).

November 17, 2011. Checked out of Kyaw Hotel and off to Popa!!!

Popa!!! Well it was more tiring than Bagan. It was only a day trip though. Climb Mount Popa without realising then since halfway up, continue to climb all the way to the peak. The sight were truly beautiful and breath-taking (not due to the tiredness of climbing) See the photos for more info XD

After that its back to Yangon.

Rested for a day, then off exploring again >:D this time, it's Shwedagon. go to this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shwedagon_Pagoda for more details XD After that, it was my first time eating crickets XD At night, saw 5 shooting stars for the 1st time in my life XD The last one was the awesome one as It was bright green and was bigger than the others.

To sum it all up, it was truly an amazing trip. If only I had a DSLR camera to capture the beauty of what Myanmar to give. It would have been worth it. The food there was truly awesome :D especially for my appetite XD This trip is worth every bit of it. The time and experience there is truly great :)

Thanks Adi for the tour around, the accommodation and hospitality, and everything :D, Thanks Eve for the Burmish food :3 , Thanks Pyae Phyoe for the transport :))

Thanks for reading this short summary of what happen XD hope you all enjoyed it :) Till again the next post. God bless


Review of Sem 2 2011

Well this is quite a very late review of my whole semester 2. This whole semester, I've tried a different approach in my studies as I tried to focus on my social skills more and also my club. It was quite a hectic and "self discovery" semester for me. In addition, it was also my reconfirmation of my future and also in what to do in my life. That's the brief summary of what my semester about. Now it's time for my summary of each unit.

Engineering Management 302:
It was quite hard to understand and was confusing at first. The one that took most of my time was the accounting part of the unit. Trying to figure out what goes with what and also in how to use the formula. The tutorial for the unit had a lot of wrong answers, so sometimes it was difficult in knowing whether answer correctly or not.

Industrial Technology 233:
This was more of a practical unit and hands-on lab work. The test were based on how you memorised the theory and was random to each person in the question. Even during the lab there were quiz. The lab work was the most fun time I had for this unit as I've learn quite a lot in tool handling and also CNC machine handling.

Mechanical Design 238:
The only thing about this unit was the quite confusing maths work available here. Doing the tutorial itself was not enough. You also had to do the past year quiz to understand the unit more better. It was quite hard at the 2nd half of the sem where virtual work and brakes were involve. All in all, it was quite challenging in terms of mathematical application.

Thermodynamics 236:
This was the unit I spent most of my time studying, yet I failed this unit. This kind of unit is not about how much effort you put into your tutorial. heck I've did all the tutorial! It's all about understand and imagining the question/problem. The lecture always emphasise on reading the question and understanding it 1st before you start to attempt the question. I've spent most of my time, reading the question and trying to imagine the whole question before attempting the question. The final really killed me as I was mentally due to me having 3 days of exam straight. All in all, this unit should be understand properly with guidance (if weak) so that, able to understand the question and can attempt the question more faster and easily.

That wraps up my semester. Thanks for reading and Till the next semester.
God bless.
