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Monday 20 June 2011

Review of 1st year sem 2

The first few weeks of sem 2 was alright but the moment week 4 came. It was pure hellish and tiring. Had to do lots of assignments, studying, meetings and the list goes on. I even opened a fencing club and gave classes. It was really quite tiring indeed. the moment when i became lazy is after my electrical system 100 midterm. That's the time where i got quite lazy and just wanted to relax.

The free week came, I've decided to just camp inside my rented house to study and also catch up on things. The only time i got out of the house was the time i followed my friend to Brunei for sushi and bought groceries. 4 days non-stop being a hermit was truly and very weird experience. The 1st time i got out of the house in 4 days made me felt like the world was suddenly different. How worse will it get if i went for a week? or even more? Wonder how the experience would be.

The 1st week after tuition free week i went back for a few days for my parents anniversary. It was sure good to come back and rest but couldn't enjoy the stay as i had to do my assignments. After when i came back, it was back to business and the usual. Had a presentation at the final week of the teaching week. That's just roughly the summary of the semester. Now it's time for the units.

Electrical System 100:
It really made me suffer quite a lot but it pays off. Midterm was alright, and so is my assignments. After that, my 'ego' had taken over me and i actually underestimated the finals. 3 days before the finals i actually touch on the past years and it sure really made me think a lot. The finals. Well let's just say i hope i can get the answer correctly for me to get at least a distinction :D Also the time

Engineering Foundations: Design and Processes 100:
This unit . . . purely takes a lot of your time. Sure it makes you act, think and operates like how engineers do but surely isn't the time taken from this subject kills you? That's all i could say about the unit but i was bless with great teammates. At first, i had thought we couldn't pull it through but it surprise me that the whole group contribute with the work and the work load was evenly distributed. I'm happy to have work my fellow teammates and also had a great time with them as well :D

Engineering Mathematics 140:
It's maths, what more can i say? All about being hardworking and proper studying does counts :D Just that the lecturer is quite egoistic in his way of teaching but at least i pulled through (I hope).

Engineering Programming 100:
The unit that i had looked down on since day 1. I personally did not spend so much time on this unit. For midterm and even finals. I studied a day before. Unfortunately, i did not have much time to answer for the finals. Also during the finals, somehow there was some technical error with the timer. It stopped and the invigilator was figuring out on how to fix it. I just had to be a nice guy and tell the invigilator to click on the resume button :DDD oh well at least i'm being honest in a way XD

Engineering; its Evolution, Development, Successes and Failures 100:
This subject really taught me a lot. I've learned about the history then the development of the particular engineering field. Not just that, i had a supervisor that taught me in how to write reports, the engineering way. Honestly speaking, if i had not taken this subject. I would be telling myself, why didn't i took this unit at the beginning of the semester. Which i know some of my friends regretted. Why bother paying for something that you've already took in foundation, or a level or form 6? It was truly a great experience for me.

That's all the summary i have till now. Thanks for reading this post, and till next time.
God bless.

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